Petronas donates to SK Long Tuma fire victims

LAWAS: Petronas yesterday donated RM10,000 to the SK Long Tuma fire victims.

The fire on March 28 razed to the ground the pupils’ dormitory and a teachers’ quarters. Sabah-Sarawak Gas Pipeline Project
project manager Raja Kamarul Shahrin Raja Azidin handed over the donation to headmaster Meripa Gelugo during a visit to the school.

Also present was parent-teacher association (PTA) chairman Gugkang Sinong.

Kamarul said the donation was to help the victims and also the school’s reconstruction efforts.

Petronas is currently constructing a gas pipeline from Kimanis in Sabah to Bintulu, crossing the highlands of Ba Kelalan into Ulu Limbang, Baram, and the coastal region towards plants in the Kidurong Industrial Estate.

The project is expected to be completed by 2013, enabling gas
to be piped all the way from offshore Sabah to Kimanis en route to Kidurong along a 500km pipeline.

TIME TO REBUILD: Petronas staff pose with the SK Long Tuma fire victims.
Posted on April 28, 2011, Thursday

Posted by Lawasian on Khamis, April 28, 2011. Filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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