Learn from India, Awang Tengah tells Sarawakians

MIRI: Sarawakians should take a leaf from India’s indomitable spirit to excel despite the odds to be the next global economic giant, said Second Minister of Resource Planning and Environment Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hassan.

“One of the university campuses we visited in Bangalore is using rudimentary facilities which we used to see in the 70’s for students to learn the basics, but this is one of the top in India and there is an unmistakable steely determination, enthusiasm and spirited attitude of students and lecturers aiming for excellence,” he said.

He said the campus was one of several run by a Bangalore-based software giant company which started with US$250 and is now posting an annual turnover of over US$1 billion.

Awang Tengah, who is also Industrial Development Minister, said the visit was made during the recent state government trade promotion to India, where they also visited universities and technical institutions in four cities, including New Delhi, Bangalore and Lucknow.

“There is even talk of India taking over as leader of G20 group, and this shows the clout of India and her people in the international stage although poverty is still evident due to the huge population of 1.2 billion people,” he said.

“China has made it, and next is India,” he added.

He said the state was now looking up to India due to its strength in agriculture, ICT and technical expertise to complement the big demand for skilled manpower required for Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE).

The state delegation also met up with one of the top software companies in India that employed a whopping 180,000 workers, including 25,000 placed in one of the campuses where the company trained graduates to upgrade their skills and knowledge in high technology.

“We have much better facilities than the polytechnic institution we visited in Bangalore, but what we need is the determination to excel like our Indian counterparts” he pointed out.

He also said although some parts of India were still mired in poverty, the country had embarked on urban renewal programmes and recorded one of the highest in GDP growth in the world.

He said he was also impressed by the religious harmony in the country as evident in the universities where Muslims and non-Muslims studied together.

Read more: http://www.theborneopost.com/2011/11/10/learn-from-india-awang-tengah-tells-sarawakians/#ixzz1ej5d35RL

Posted on November 10, 2011, Thursday

Posted by Lawasian on Khamis, November 10, 2011. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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