Sarawak’s ‘win win’ power deal with West Kalimantan

KUCHING: Second Minister of Planning and Resource Management and Minister of Public Utilities, Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Ali Hasan (pic) on Sunday witnessed the signing of a Term Sheet for a Power Exchange Agreement (PEA) between Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB) and PT PLN PERSERO (PLN), the Indonesian power utility, for the export of bulk electricity from Sarawak to West Kalimantan.

SEB was represented by its Chief Executive Officer, Torstein Dale Sjotveit while PLN was represented by the Director of Planning and Technology, Bapak Nasri Sebayang.

The key term of the PEA is that SEB will sell to PLN up to 230MW of power, using a new 275 kV transmission line that will connect Mambong in Sarawak to Bengkayang in West Kalimantan.Construction of the new line is expected to commence in early 2012, with the first power to be transmitted by mid-2014.

The potential to export bulk power through a transmission line connecting Sarawak and West Kalimantan has been explored for a number of years, with an initial feasibility study undertaken in 1994.

A Heads of Agreement, confirming this objective, was signed by SEB and PLN in early 2009.

“This is a great deal for both Sarawak and Indonesia,” Tengah said.

“This idea has been on the BIMPEAGA agenda for many years, so I am thrilled that this vision is now one step closer to reality.

“The interconnection provides Sarawak the platform to become a powerhouse in the region and allows Indonesia to capture massive savings compared to the cost of the oil-fired power that they mainly use today.

“This is a great example of what can be achieved through cooperation with our neighbours in Borneo in the spirit of ASEAN.” “I congratulate both SEB and PLN for completing this deal and I look forward to seeing even greater cooperation between the two utilities into the future.”

Tuesday, 19 July 2011 10:43 | Written by | | |

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