Village profiles vital for efficient development — Awg Tengah

LAWAS: Community leaders should compile their village profiles in order to chart their needs and aspirations efficiently.

Second Minister of Planning and Resource Management Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hassan gave this advice yesterday at a Hari Raya gathering for residents of Kampung Bangkatan and Kampung Masjid in Merapok which was organised by PBB Merapok sub-branch.

“The government and I would not know everything on the ground, and it is imperative that penghulus, village chiefs and leaders of non-governmental organisations provide us with the relevant data, starting with a proper village profile,” he said.

The profile should include requests for government assistance such as poverty eradication, facilities and utilities and other issues close to the hearts and aspiration of the respective villages, he said.

Awang Tengah pointed out that the government was aware that there was much to be done throughout the state, for which information from the focus groups would be needed to facilitate planning and meeting their needs more efficiently.

“You all have an important role to play to assist the government in its efforts to help the people elevate their socio-economic standard through affirmative policies and schemes,” he said.

Pointing to Kampung Bangkatan where he spent his childhood planting padi and schooling, he said its transformation was made possible due to the unity among its people and their support for the government.

Formerly accessible only by river from Kuala Lawas, it is now connected by a tar-sealed road and enjoys wireless telecommunica-tion services and electricity from the grid system, replacing kerosene lamps in lighting up homes.

Urging them to remain united, he said they should reject the opposition’s propaganda and tactics of pitting villagers against each other and the government as the state election draws nearer.

Posted on October 5, 2010, Tuesday

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