DAP cuba berdalih

PS DAP, David Wong bukan saja pandai bercakap tapi handal berdalih. Seolah olah dia menuduh pegawai pembanci terlalu banyak soalan yang tidak sepatutnya ditanya. Semua rakyat Malaysia ditanya soalan yang sama. Kalau orang lain boleh jawab mengapa kaum cina susah hendak jawab.

Kedua, nampaknya dia sendiri kurang faham bahasa akhbar yang melapurkan isu ini. Akhbar cakap ada segelintir kaum cina yang tidak faham bahasa Malaysia atau Bahasa Inggeris. Apa kena-mengena dengan nombor Kad pengenalan atau umor.

Kalau betulpun pembanci tanya perkara-perkara begini, mereka bukan tanya dengan specifik tetapi secara julat (range). Semua negara di dunia tanya soalan yang sama dan hanya di Malaysia kita ada masalah begini.

SIBU: State Democratic Action Party (DAP) publicity secretary David Wong said yesterday the National Census Board should do some soul searching as to why the Chinese community was non-responsive to the census drive from July 6 to Aug 23.He described it as unfair for the board to blame the Chinese community for showing ineptitude and lack of commitment to support the enumerators during the census drive.

“The Chinese community must have their reasons to reject the enumerators and this is the area which the National Census Board needs to look into seriously,” he said at a press conference held yesterday.

Wong was commenting on a statement by Chief Statistician and Census Commissioner Datuk Wan Ramlah Wan Abd Raof that 70 per cent of the Chinese community was non-responsive to the census because of communication breakdown.

Wong said the National Census Board should make a review as to whether they were demanding too much from the people or asking too many unnecessary questions.

Questions like people’s income, their identity card numbers and their age were unnecessary, he said. [ Philip Wong @ August 18, 2010]

Posted by Lawasian on Rabu, Ogos 18, 2010. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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