Awangku Jinal bersuara!!
Pemuda PBB Zon 8 dengan sekeras-kerasnya menentang jika ada usaha memaksa Presiden Parti berundur dari menjadi Ketua Menteri. Ketua mereka, Awangku Jinal Pengiran Jawa berkata pergerakan mereka masih memerlukan Taib untuk meneraju kerajaan negeri terutamam bagi menghadapi pilihanraya yang akan diadakan dalam masa 11 bulan ini..Baru-baru ini KM mengumumkan persediaan beliau berundur dari politik jika rakyat sudah tidak memerlukan khidmat beliau.
Awangku Jinal memberi amaran agar provokasi dan tekenan harus dihentikan. Tambah beliau "Mengapa mempersoalkan Taib, mengapa tidak mempersoalkan MB Kelantan yang juga sudah berumor?
Sebagai rekod, Zon 8 adalah zone yang paling diutara Sarawak termasuk Ba’ Kelalan, Bukit Sari, Batu Danau and Bukit Kota.
Ikuti Lapuran Borneo Post 27 Ogos 2010
PBB Youth (Zone 8) will “vigorously oppose” any attempt to pressure party president and Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud to retire.
Its leader Awangku Jinal Pengiran Jawa said his movement wanted Taib to continue to helm the state, especially through the coming state election which must be called within 11 months.
Taib recently said he was willing to step down if he was no longer wanted by the people, party or the prime minister.He pointed out that he had wanted to leave in 2006 but was stopped by a chorus of protests in the state.
Awangku Jinal said for the sake of unity and continued development, Taib should stay as the state’s chief executive.
“We want outsiders to be more sensitive and learn from past mistakes in the country. When there is political instability we need to look at things from a wide perspective and not be irrational or view through narrow personal lenses,” he said.
Using Zone 8 as an example, he said it was at one time isolated from other parts of the state. But under Taib’s leadership and vision, Zone 8 has become a bastion of political strength and economically vibrant.
“Taib has even gained the respect of Brunei and Sabah which were formerly rocked by political instability. Our neighbours are even interested in investing in our energy, agriculture and communication facilities,” he said.
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