Tengah: Opposition out to discredit government

LAWAS: The Barisan Nasional (BN) government ignores accusations or other efforts by the opposition to discredit the programmes meant to help the people to tide over the global economic uncertainties.

Accusations the BR1M was a waste, a political bribery or money borrowed from outside the country had failed to dent the confidence and support of the people towards the BN government, said Minister of Resource Planning and Env i ronment Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Ali Hasan.

Tengah explained this was because the BR1M and various other assistances given by the government had benefited the people, including the opposition members.

Speaking at a BR1M presentation ceremony for recipients of Punang, Merapok and Kuala Lawas here on Sunday, he said the opposition was using a rather extreme approach in politics as they viewed whatever done by the government to help the people as negative.

“Their only hope is to topple the government,” he said.

On their Orange Book, the Mini ster said they were not realistic unlike the BN government which was working hard to attract more investments to the country to uplift the living standard of the people.

“Because of the BN government’s ability, it can distribute the BR1M to the people to lessen their burden.

“There is nothing to shout about the RM100 assistance given by the Penang government.

The BN government, on the other hand, has given more to the people,” he said.

Tengah added that the Prime Mini s ter and Sarawak Chief Minister are experienced leaders and they should continue to lead the nation and state.

He therefore called upon the people in Lawas to ensure that their incumbent MP, Dato Henry Sum Agong, would continue to be their representative at the next general election and win with a good victory.

“He is a proven good leader,” he added.

Al so present at the funct ion were Datuk Henr y Sum Agong, Political Secretary to the Chief Minister Awangku Jamuddin Pengiran Haji Kon, Lawas District Officer Haji Mohd Supaih Hamdan, Lawas Perkim Chairperson Datuk Hajah Dayang Morliah Datuk Haji Awang Daud, Temenggong Haji Sabli Hamid, Temenggong Par is Kaya and Pemanca Tan Yong H’ng.

Member s of Par t i Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) Bukit Sari Youth Wing were there to help the recipients fill up the BR1M vouchers.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012 Written by Adeng Idrus

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