SUPP Lawas presents CNY ‘ang pows’ and goodies to senior folk

Pic: HAPPY NEW YEAR: A happy recipient chuckles as she receives the CNY ‘ang pow’ from Henry Sum.

LAWAS: SUPP Lawas presented ‘ang pows’ and goodies to 75 senior citizens and single mothers in Lawas district in conjunction with the upcoming Chinese New Year celebration.

Lawas Member of Parliament Datuk Henry Sum Agong commended the branch for their sensitivity and compassionate spirit at the presentation ceremony at SJKC Chung Hwa Lawas.

Branch chairman Councillor Liaw Ho Peng was among those present.

He hoped such efforts would continue as an annual event while SUPP Lawas strives to continue to host other programmes which would bridge the generation gap between senior citizens and the younger generation to mould a healthy society.

“We should respect senior citizens who have a wealth of experience which could be blended with current knowledge that would yield a great deal of good,” he urged.

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Posted on January 19, 2012, Thursday

Posted by Lawasian on Khamis, Januari 19, 2012. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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