18 survive crash-landing in Lawas
TERBABAS: Keadaan pesawat Twin Otter yang terbabas ke tepi landasan sebaik mendarat di Lapangan Terbang Lawas petang semalam.
MIRI: Seramai 18 orang termasuk dua anak kapal yang terdiri daripada seorang juruterbang dan seorang pembantu juruterbang nyaris maut apabila sebuah pesawat ringan jenis Twin Otter yang mereka naiki terbabas sebaik mendarat di Lapangan Terbang Lawas petang semalam.
Menurut sumber, pesawat MH3516 milik MASwings itu yang membawa seramai 16 orang penumpang telah berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Miri pada jam 2.45 petang.
Sebaik membuat pendaratan di Lapangan Terbang Lawas sekitar jam 3.30 petang, pesawat ringan terbabit tiba-tiba terbabas dipercayai berpunca dari tayar bahagian hadapannya yang tertanggal.
Menurut salah seorang penumpang yang enggan namanya disiarkan, mereka bernasib baik kerana pesawat terbabit tidak terbabas ke Sungai Lawas yang hanya terletak beberapa meter dari hujung landasan.
Berikutan itu, semua operasi di lapangan terbang tersebut ditutup buat sementara waktu bagi membolehkan siasatan lanjut berhubung insiden berkenaan dilakukan pihak berkuasa.
Pesawat terbabit merupakan satu daripada empat pesawat Twin Otter milik MASwing yang menyediakan perkhidmatan udara luar bandar di seluruh Sarawak dan membuat penerbangan sebanyak enam kali sehari dari Miri ke Lawas.
All 16 passengers and two crew – pilot and co-pilot – were lucky to escape unscathed as their aircraft skidded to a stop a short distance from the river at the end of the runway.
According to one of the passengers, the plane stopped just 5metres short of the river.
Fine weather was reported at the time of the incident.
The MH3516 aircraft, belonging to Malaysia Airlines’ subsidiary MASwings took off from Miri Airport at 2.45pm.
MASwings ,in a statement emailed from Kuching yesterday evening, said that following the incident, the Lawas terminal was temporarily closed to traffic to facilitate investigation.
“The aircraft is being guarded by MAB airport security and police.
MASwings meanwhile is sending an investigation and recovery team from Kota Kinabalu by land to remove the aircraft from the site. For the time being, Lawas Airport is closed for all flight operations until the airfield is cleared,” the statement added.
It said the airline would extend its full co-operation to the Department of Civil Aviation which is investigating the incident. This is an isolated incident and that safety remains a high priority in the company.
MASWings makes six flights daily from Miri. In a week it makes 17 flights to Lawas from Miri, three from Ba Kelalan and one from Kota Kinabalu.
The 19-seater Twin Otter aircraft is one of four used by MASWings for its rural air services (RAS) in Sarawak.
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